650,00 €
Пакетът «Cut it independent»се отнася до програмата за оптимизиране на рязането.
Пакетът «Cut it independent» се отнася до програмата за оптимизиране на рязането. С тази програма можете: Организирате своя склад: можете да създадете (импортирате) склад от вашите материали по такъв начин, че да можете лесно и бързо да го използвате. Оптимизирате рязането си: с лесен ход ви показва как да работите, за да намалите среза, както и реда за рязане. Имате реалистичен изглед: с едно движение тя може да представи вашите материали реалистично, от линиите на рязане до фигурата на дървесината. Направете промени: като се намесите в метода на рязане. Да получите статистическа информация: можете да спестите време, използвайки статистиката, представена от Cut-It, за материалите, които ще са ви необходими за вашата поръчка. Този пакет е за “1 лиценз”. Купува се веднъж и лицензът ви принадлежи завинаги.
Посочената цена не включва ДДС.
Company Culture
Our company culture relies on creativity, business spirit, the commitment to our customers` needs and our ability to adapt to an ever-changing national setting. We strongly believe in talent, innovation and pioneer thinking, as we have the potential to integrate new ideas in our business functions by pursuing to carry out activities in new technology fields and by encouraging our employees to reach their full potential so that they are able to take advantage of various business opportunities and create value.
In this respect, over the years we have been trading based on transparency, integrity and reliability, following moral entrepreneurial practices. Moreover, we seriously take into account the human factor and seek to build long-term trusting relationships with our customers as well as our suppliers and partners so that everyone involved will have the potential to share the same values and principles.
We always set clear and ambitious objectives we guarantee to accomplish them and we remain heavily committed to finding sustainable solutions to the benefit of the local communities and the environment. In this manner, we have managed to convert corporal social responsibility into everyday business practice in relation to our activities.
At the same time, our intention is to constantly enhance our knowledge in light of progress and innovation and to encourage our employees to take initiatives and pursue self-improvement. Therefore, we can ensure our company`s future stability and development.
The company culture of Besios Wood is based on a set of commonly shared values, principles and beliefs which strengthen the bond among all the people involved in our enterprise.
One of the fundamental drivers of development in Besios Wood is the forming of strategic alliances and partnerships with leading powers in the wood world market and with innovative, “green technology” leaders who have inspired us to improve our services and products, given that we have always tried to put our huge experience to optimal use.
Our mission
Our mission, the marketing of quality and innovative wood products providing reliable and competitive service to the entire network of partners and all our customers.
Our goal is continuous improvement, based on staff specialization, innovation, technology and continuous investment development in order to remain at the forefront of the wood products industry.
Our People
Besios Wood, as one of the most successful import and export Wood Industries in Greece, is comprised of people possessing specialized knowledge and training in the field of wood and who have worked in many different industries and sectors. A working environment characterized by safety, equality, stability and dedication to specific values has been formed by our company.
In Besios Wood we appreciate creativity and we believe in our employees` talent. This is the reason why we prompt them to move forward not only boldly but modestly at the same time, so that it becomes possible for every business opportunity which emerges to be taken advantage of and so that creating value can take place based on every resource which is available.
One of the basic goals for Bessios Wood is for us to operate with a sense of responsibility and consistency to our people and to continue remaining their only choice throughout their career in life. We wish to always stand by them and support actively their professional advancement.
Larisis 38
42100 Trikala Greece
T: +30 24310 31631, +30 2431072602
F: +30 24310 71600
W: www.besios.gr
E: info@besios.gr
CMS is an organized, modern and trustworthy company which operates in wood industry sector in Greece. The last few years has shown dynamic activity also abroad.
The company is specialized in industrial wood production as well as high quality wood products trade. By using ultramodern mechanical equipment, CMS distinguishes for its knowhow and quality products that manufactures. With vertical support of the furniture, kitchen, wardrobe and interior door industry, the product range of CMS is totally complete and includes:
Having focused on customers’ needs and requests, principal philosophy of CMS is their best possible service. The new ultramodern facilities in Sindos, Thessaloniki cover 12.000sm (roofed), having as a result the production of the company to be more complete.
2nd km Sindou – Chalastras
57400 Sindos Thessaloniki Greece
T: +30 2310 795080 – 1
F: +30 2310 795082
W: www.cmadeira.gr
The company Marioglou was established on 1954 from Theodoro Marioglou with a small store in Fillipou street at Thessaloniki.
With the high growth rate it turned out to be today the biggest in its kind.
Many thinks stayed inalterable. The consequence, immediate and perfect service, top quality. All above support our long year relationship.
6th klmThessalonikis-Thermis, PO 60193
Thessaloniki Greece
T: +30 2310 474084
F: +30 2310 473571
W: www.marioglou.gr
E: info@marioglou.gr
Η ίδρυση της Εταιρείας χρονολογείται από το 1935, από τον Αθανάσιο Μπέσιο και είχε ως αντικείμενο την πρίση κορμών ξυλείας και την εμπορία τους. Η επιχείρηση διέθετε πριστήριο και κατάστημα λιανικής πώλησης.
Το 1970 αναλαμβάνει την επιχείρηση ο Γεώργιος Μπέσιος ο οποίος ασχολήθηκε αποκλειστικά με το εμπόριο πριστής ξυλείας αλλά και προιόντων ξύλου, με εγκαταστάσεις στο κέντρο της πόλης των Τρικάλων, επί της οδού Μιαούλη.
Το 1980 λόγω της διαρκούς επέκτασης των δραστηριοτήτων και αύξησης του όγκου εργασιών, η επιχείρηση μεταφέρεται σε ιδιόκτητες εγκαταστάσεις, έκτασης 9,000m2, επί της οδού Λαρίσης (όπου εδρεύει έως σήμερα). Οι δραστηριότητες επεκτείνονται στις εισαγωγές οικοδομικής ξυλείας και βιομηχανικών προιόντων ξύλου. Συγχρόνως εγκαθιστά σύγχρονο μηχανολογικό εξοπλισμό για την κοπή και την συγκόλληση βιομηχανικής ξυλείας, προσφέροντας έτσι στους επαγγελματίες ημιέτοιμα προϊόντα, προσαρμοσμένα στις ανάγκες τους.
Το 2006 αναλαμβάνουν την Εταιρεία τα αδέρφια Αθανάσιος και Θεόδωρος Μπέσιος αλλάζοντας την επωνυμία σε «ΑΦΟΙ Γ. ΜΠΕΣΙΟΥ» με διακριτικό τίτλο «BESIOS WOOD».
Οι νέοι ιδιοκτήτες θέλοντας να αναπτύξουν την Εταιρεία προχωρούν στην δημιουργία νέων εκθεσιακών και αποθηκευτικών χώρων και στην εισαγωγή νέων προιόντων όπως: πατώματα laminate, υλικά επιπλοποιίας, επιφανειών, θέλοντας έτσι να παρέχουν μια ευρεία γκάμα προϊόντων στους πελάτες τους.
Το 2011 η Εταιρεία ακολουθώντας διαρκή επενδυτική στρατηγική, προχωράει στην αγορά οικοπέδου 21.000m2 στο 5ο χλμ Τρικάλων – Λαρίσης, με σκοπό την κατασκευή showroom και υπερσύγχρονων αποθηκευτικών χώρων έκτασης 5.000m2, διασφαλίζοντας με αυτό τον τρόπο την ακόμη καλύτερη και ποιοτική εξυπηρέτηση των πελατών της.
Όραμά μας, είναι η εδραίωση της BESIOS WOOD ως μια από τις δυναμικότερα αναπτυσσόμενες εταιρίες στον κλάδο του ξύλου στην Ελλάδα, στο πλαίσιο μιας σύγχρονης και ευέλικτης επιχειρηματικής δραστηριότητας βασισμένη στη γνώση, την τεχνολογία και την υπευθυνότητα, οικοδομώντας στενή σχέση συνεργασίας με τους πελάτες μας για τη μεγιστοποίηση του οφέλους τους.
Αποστολή μας, η εμπορία ποιοτικών και καινοτόμων προϊόντων ξύλου με υψηλή προστιθέμενη αξία, παρέχοντας αξιόπιστη και ανταγωνιστική εξυπηρέτηση σε ολόκληρο το δίκτυο των συνεργατών και το σύνολο των πελατών μας. Στόχος μας είναι η διαρκής βελτίωση, βασιζόμενοι στην εξειδίκευση του προσωπικού, την καινοτομία, την τεχνολογία και τη διαρκή επενδυτική ανάπτυξη ώστε να παραμείνουμε στην πρώτη γραμμή του κλάδου της εμπορίας προϊόντων ξύλου.
Λαρίσης 38
42100 Τρίκαλα
T: +30 24310 31631, +30 2431072602
F: +30 24310 71600
W: www.besios.gr
E: info@besios.gr
SANITEC S.A., one of the leading Sanitary ware Industries in Greece, having an experience of three decades in the field, offers in the market a wide variety of sanitary ware bath and kitchen products.
The company owns privet property of 4000m² in Thessaloniki-Greece, with industrial facilities for kitchen sinks and bathtubs production, logistics & division warehouses, show rooms & administration offices.
SANITEC S.A. for many years has developed a wide sales network; the products distribution covers the whole of Greece and Cyprus.
The company exports to various foreign countries (in Balcans, Europe, Russia, Middle East, North Africa) offering immediate service to all the customers’ demands.
Ionias Street, PO BOX 172 Oreokastro
570 13 Thessaloniki Greece
T: +30 2310 574 900
F: +30 2310 574 800
W: www.sanitec.gr
Praxitelis firm was founded in 1985, in Corinth, and the first factory unit was set up for the production of Wooden Kitchen Cabinet and Wardrobe Doors, class Solid – Semi-Solid. The wide variety of design models, combined with the quality and flexibility in service, have quickly led the company to become a leader in this field. Today, the company’s facilities, where the production facilities are located, are privately owned and occupy an area of 30,000 m2, while for better service of our clientele an exhibition room also operates in Athens.
The company, with eyes always set on the future and sensing the market needs, launched the implementation of an investment program in new production lines, which is still ongoing.
Firstly, the company set up the production line for Kitchen Cabinet and Wardrobe Doors of HPL-Ρostforming class, with the aim to place these items at the forefront of its cutting-edge products.
At the moment, the complete collection includes more than 70 colors on different surfaces – glossy, matte, wood effect, textured, smooth, and embossed – and is constantly enriched, claiming its place in every elegant room.
Following this, we organized a facility of an automatic production line for Kitchen Countertops.
The company produces high quality kitchen countertops and has developed a range of colors which exceeds 60 colors, covering even the most demanding preference.
At the same time, an additional production line was established for the manufacture of Kitchen Cabinet and Wardrobe Doors, class Direct-Postforming.
The collection is gradually growing, reaching today 45 colors, also on various surfaces, such as matte, embossed and smooth.
To continue the efforts to provide the client with high quality products and expertise, the company has invested in an automatic Melamine production line, making Praxitelis firm a leader in the industry.
The color index of melamine includes 45 colors, which harmonize perfectly with the palette of the direct-postforming types, providing the customer the opportunity to create specific combinations and ensure high quality results.
The Vision of Praxitelis firm is to operate a business within a healthy entrepreneurial environment, oriented to the growth and prosperity for all partners involved. Growth and prosperity should not be seen as – nor are they – inapplicable concepts. The company creates all those conditions that can give the impetus to reach new goals for all our benefit. A close-knit group of people is working towards implementing the company’s VISION.
In the future, the company aims to continue its investments in people and technological equipment with the same intensity, in order to always stay one step ahead of the market needs and to provide support to the professionals, by showing the same responsibility and consistency, at all times.
Furthermore, the goal is to enhance the company’s presence in exhibitions in Greece and abroad, in order to gain on outreach and expand its role in the international markets, too.
We are sensitive towards human needs and place the focus on quality and continuous technological advancement.
The company lays the foundation for future corporate growth always with vigor and optimism for a better tomorrow.
160 Pelopida Str. 160, Nea Zoi
12136 Peristeri Greece
T: +30 210 5753 450
F: +30 210 5742 104
W: www.praxitelis-sa.gr
E: info@praxitelis-sa.gr
Since 1975 we have been active in wood constructions and specialized in production of kitchen furniture.
From 1991, due to our high specialization in working with massive wood, we have focused in the manufacturing of fronts and cupboards, using high quality European woods grown in ideal environmental conditions.
We achieved the creation of a vertical production line, selecting the best raw material from suitable forests, dried and prepared under controlled conditions and finally using the best of them for the production line.
Our constant investment in technology equipment enables the production department to follow the demands and needs of the design.
Our design department, having in mind to satisfy the European market needs, designs classical & modern lines, using different kinds of wood, such as oak, beech, cherry, alder, ash and many others. According to our client demands we also manufacture combinations of wood and natural veneer solely.
Our target remains the complete satisfaction of our clients in order to keep long standing and stable co operations and above all to accomplish their needs.
6 Gymnasiou str.
57007 Chalkidona Greece
T: +30 23910 22398
F: +30 23910 21128
W: www.fulakis.com
E: fulakis@hotmail.com
Today the EGGER Group is owned by brothers Michael and Fritz Egger who, as the owners, help determine the strategic guiding principles. The business operations of the family company are led by EGGER Group Management with Thomas Leissing, Ulrich Bühler and Walter Schiegl.
GmbH & Co. OG
Weiberndorf 20
6380 St. Johann in Tirol
Österreich Austria
T: +43 50 600-0
W: www.egger.com
E: info@egger.com
For over 36 years the group ALFA WOOD is the natural force in woodworking industry. “Physics”, because it is dedicated to a unique gift of nature, wood, but also because the course and evolution of the group reveal an inner, natural energy that constantly set new goals and implements them … and “power” because ALFA today wOOD is a leading wood processing industry company also contributes to national economic growth.
O group ALFA WOOD characterized by love in the wood, growth respecting the environment, the selected manpower, high quality products and services, new technologies, the ambitions and strategic thought.
The modern facilities of the group in Larissa, Grevena & Delchev meet the needs of the domestic market and abroad, producing a huge range of products.
10ο klm Larissa – Kozani
41500 Larisa Greece
T: 801 700 7273
F: +30 2410 831560
W: www.alfawood.gr
E: info@alfawood.gr
AKRITAS today possesses one of the most modern wood product processing units equipped with high specification technological equipment.
The factory is situated on 370.000 sq.m. of privately owned land on the Alexandroupoli-Orestiada motorway axis. The 60.000 sq.m. factory building houses the production facilities and administrative services .
The company’s headquarters and administrative services (Financial Services, Internal Auditing Services) are located in new, modern, privately owned offices in Alexandroupoli.
For better customer service, the company has set up sales offices and a distribution centre covering a surface area of 4.780 sq.m. in N. Agchialos, Thessaloniki, which house the company’s commercial departments (Foreign and Domestic Market Sales and the Northern Greece Distribution Centre).
The Athens sales offices are located in N. Smirni Attica.
3, S. Economou Str.
68100 Alexandoupoli Greece
T: 2551089810
F: 2551032038
W: www.akritas.gr
E: info@akritas.gr
Excellence in transforming wood
Kronospan manufactures and distributes wood-based panels. Globally we are the leading manufacturer of:
Particleboard (PB)
Medium density fibreboard (MDF)
Laminate flooring
UF, MUF and MF resins for wood-based panels
The number one manufacturer of oriented strand board (OSB) in Europe
Kronospan also produces speciality and decorative paper as well as other associated value added products, such as melamine-faced panels, worktops, wall panels, window sills, lacquered HDF, compact boards, high pressure laminates (HPL) and others. Kronospan manufactures wood-based panels at more than 40 sites and is local in many countries. We employ over 14,000 people with 70% of total product sales generated in Emerging Markets.
Kronospan Bulgaria EOOD
Severozapadna Promishlena Zona
BG – 8000, Burgas Bulgaria
T: +359 56 805 200
F: +359 56 805 228
W: www.kronospan-worldwide.com
E: office@kronospan.bg
Kronospan Trading Ltd
Grayoak House
9 Tagmatarchou Pouliou Street
1101 Ayios Andreas Nicosia Cyprus
T: +357 22 273700
F: +357 22 273701
W: www.kronospan-worldwide.com
E: info@kronospan.com.cy
Strunga Mieilor nr. 1
RO – 500482, Braşov Romania
T: +40 268 408 700
F: +40 268 408 701
W: www.kronospan-worldwide.com
E: office.brasov@kronospan.ro
Kronospan Turkey
Kısıklı Mah., Alemdağ Cad. No:26
Masaldan is merkezi D Blok Kat:3, D:10
34692 Büyük Çamlica – Üsküdar/Istanbul Turkey
T: +90 216 505 18 00
F: +90 216 505 81 98
W: www.kronospan-worldwide.com
E: info@kronospan.com.tr
Kastamonu Romania is the result of an impressive investment plan, from all financial, technical and human resources points of view, carried out by Kastamonu Entegre, the biggest operator in Turkish wood industry, starting with 1998 in its quality of major shareholder(98%) of the Prolemn.
After 14 years of continuous developments, it has become operational at Reghin, a complex and modern wood processing platform with 2 production units and more than 800 employees. The change of the name, from Prolemn to Kastamonu Romania, starting with April 2012, was meant as final confirmation that the company is finally prepared to perform its activity within Kastamonu Group, in accordance to its rules and objectives.
Ierbus st. No. 37
Reghin, Mures
545300 Romania
T: +40 372 593720
F: +40 265 511481
W: www.kastamonu.ro
E: info@kastamonu.ro
The company
HQF ELEFTHERAKIS MIKE is active in the manufacture and trade of lacquered kitchen cabinets, cupboards and linings.
Our vision of supreme customer satisfaction is achieved through the high quality of our products, combined with accessible prices and fast delivery. We always develop a long-term relationship with our customers, based on trust and credibility. We always aim to go above and beyond the needs of our customers, so we place special emphasis on the continuous training of our employees, familiarising them with new evolving technologies and trends.
Kura Vrisi, position “Foto”
20100 Korinthos Greece
T: +30 27410 30906
F: +30 27410 30907
W: www.hqfeleftherakis.com/
E: hqfeleftherakis@gmail.com
Eleftheriou SA is a fast-growing company which specializes in importing and trading furniture components and accessories.
Our mission is to provide high-quality services to our customers and keep investing in our human resources with highly capable and experienced staff.
We do everything to ensure that your order is shipped and delivered in a timely manner. Reliable and responsible transportation and delivery of your products to your business headquarters.
High-quality products
Our foremost concern is to keep our customers satisfied. For that reason, we guarantee the quality and reliability of our products and services.
2nd km of Allied Road Diavaton – Oreokastro
57008 Ionia, Thessaloniki Greece
T: +30 2310 781 822
T: +30 2310 782 272
F: +30 2310 781 665
W: www.eleftheriou-sa.gr
E: info@eleftheriou-sa.gr
Nett Front SRL are o experiență de 11 ani în producția de fronturi MDF pentru industria mobilei fiind unul dintre cei mai importanți producători pe piața de profil din România.
Gama de produse realizate cuprinde o varietate mare de produse:
– Uși din MDF cu diverse modele de frezare, înfoliate 3D (culori uni, imitații de lemn, imitații de textură) cu finisaje disponibile: ultra mat, mat, high gloss/high gloss 3D, antichizat și cretat.
– Uși din MDF cu diverse modele de frezare, vopsite ultra mat sau lucios (gama NETT COLOR EXPRES, NETT COLOR 60)
– Elemente decorative: Nett Decoraft 7, Nett Top 7, Nett Krystal, Nett Top Krystal.
Fronturile MDF de la Nett Front răspund exigențelor ridicate ale designerilor și arhitecților care prin mobilierul proiectat cu fronturile noastre crează un stil adaptat la fiecare spațiu, respectiv funcționalitate pentru mobilier.
Produsele Nett Front acoperă atât nevoile producătorilor de mobilier la comandă prin produse unicate sau serii scurte, cât și nevoile producătorilor de mobilier care realizează mobilier de serie, compania având un grad ridicat de adaptabilitate și flexibilitate la solicitările clienților.
Pentru producția de fronturi MDF utilizăm materii prime atent selecționate de la furnizori de renume din Europa de Vest cu care există parteneriate de lungă durată.
Ca rezultat al unui plan investițional ambițios din ultimii ani, compania are in dotare echipamente de ultimă generație de la cei mai importanți furnizori de tehnologie din Europa. În cadrul fluxurilor tehnologice este implementat un control calitativ riguros, certificat și prin sistemul de managament al calității ISO 9001 și 14001.
Calitatea ridicată a materiei prime, tehnologia de ultimă oră, precum și personalul cu calificare înaltă asigură calitatea ridicată și continuă a fronturilor realizate de Nett Front.
Loc. Vidrasău, Nr.1F
Județul Mureș
T: +40 265 311 728
M: +40 752 198 922
W: www.nettfront.ro
E: office@nettfront.ro
Cu o experiență de peste 20 de ani, GLOBAL DESIGN SUCEAVA reprezintă cea mai bună alegere atunci când ești în căutarea unei soluții eficiente de mobilare a spațiilor private, de locuit, a instiuțiilor publice și a spațiilor comerciale.
Suntem într-o continuă expansiune cu investiții susținute, atât în tehnologie de ultimă generație, dar și în pregătirea personalului.
Familia GLOBAL DESIGN SUCEAVA este formată din designeri talentați și tehnicieni pasionați de calitate.
GLOBAL DESIGN SUCEAVA deține două fabrici, în una se produc fronturi pentru mobilier, distribuite pe tot teritoriul României către alți producători de profil, iar în a doua se produc cu succes lucrări de mobilier în diverse stiluri, de la avangardist la classic, de la minimalist și contemporan, la soluții ergonomice și funcționale, adaptate continuu la trendul actual.
În ceea ce privește tehnologia, la ora actuală, în fabricile GLOBAL DESIGN, după investiții ce totalizează mai multe milioane de euro, produsele beneficiază de atenția și rigurozitatea normelor interne de calitate, asigurate cu mașini și utilaje specifice în domeniu, de renume precum HOMAG, CEFLA și SCM.
De la echipamentele de secționat în pachet ce asigură un înalt grad de randament, căntuirea cu soluții laser a elementelor pentru mobilă, finisarea și lăcuirea reperelor cu grad de luciu înalt, tehnologia din dotarea GLOBAL DESIGN SUCEAVA asigură, atât un nivel de productivitate ridicat, cât și un preț de cost scăzut.
Faceți clic aici pentru a vedea prezentarea completă.
A: Str. Oborului 390A, Scheia,
Suceava, 727525 – Rοmania
T: +40 754 456 225
E: office@global-design.ro
W: www.global-design.ro | www.frontmdf.ro
W: www.georgadas.com/
E: info@georgadas.com
H NetConnect A.E. δραστηριοποιείται από το 2010 στον χώρο της διανομής εξαρτημάτων και περιφερειακών Η/Υ σε Ελλάδα, Κύπρο και Βαλκάνια.
Το 2011 δημιουργεί τις πρώτες συνεργασίες με σημαντικούς οίκους στο χώρο της τεχνολογίας και συνεχίζει το 2012 και το 2013 διευρύνοντας την γκάμα των προϊόντων που προσφέρει, εστιάζοντας πάντα στον χώρο των εξαρτημάτων και περιφερειακών.
Η NetConnect A.E. στεγάζει τα γραφεία της στο Μοσχάτο (Αθήνα) και στο υποκατάστημα της στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Συνεργάζεται με την εξειδικευμένη εταιρεία Logistics τεχνολογίας, CC-LIT Α.Ε. στα κομμάτια της αποθήκευσης, διανομής και service σε Αθήνα αλλά και Θεσσαλονίκη.
Η εταιρεία είναι προσηλωμένη στον πραγματικό ρόλο διανομέα, παρέχοντας στους πελάτες της ευχέρεια επιλογής ανάμεσα σε μια μεγάλη ποικιλία προϊόντων για ηλεκτρονικούς υπολογιστές, άμεσα διαθέσιμη και πάντα με ανταγωνιστικές συνθήκες. Στόχος της είναι η υγιής ανάπτυξη μέσα από ευρωπαϊκών συνθηκών συνεργασίες με προμηθευτές και πελάτες.
Θεσσαλονίκης 13
183 46, Μοσχάτο
T: +30 210 4839180
F: +30 210 4839189
W: www.netconnect.gr