

Homee-ShopAddon PackModular Shelving System / Add-on

Modular Shelving System / Add-on


“Modular Shelving System” refers to modular shelving system. You should have setup of 1992 Enterprise version 14 (1992 Enterprise Kitchen or 1992 Enterprise Bath  or 1992 Enterprise Full).



Modular Shelving System add-on supports the design and analysis of compositions similar to images below.


The add-on supports:

  1. Aluminum Profile of any square cross-section with or without shoulder (currently supported profile with only one shoulder).
  2. Eight different types of connectors one-, two- or three-dimension, with one to six connection extensions.
  3. Integration into the composition of surfaces or boxes.


Basic features:

  • Ease of use.
  • Automatic intersection of profiles where there is a connection point.
  • Automatic selection and placement of appropriate links.
  • Automatic rejection of unnecessary or wrongly placed profiles.
  • Automatic dimension recognition when placing shelf inserts.
  • Automatic or selective change of the profile from simple to profile with a cheek.
  • Display guides for easy placement of all types of surfaces and boxes.
  • Automatic or selective placement of legs in floor compositions.
  • Exploded view of the composition for ease of placement.
  • Complete analysis, with optimization, of the raw materials of the composition.
  • Library of ready-made parametric compositions for immediate placement.


The final composition can be in terms of resizing:

a) Fixed.
b) Variable, changing the external dimensions automatically.
c) Fully parametric with the ability to define parameters by the user.

Modular Shelving System Add-on relates to “1 licence”. You purchase it once and the license belongs to you.